Meet the spooky creature: Adders

NameAdder (Vipera berus)
ReproductionViviparous (births live young)
DietSmall mammals, amphibians, birds,
HabitatLives in open to get sun: Heathland, moorland, open woodland and sea cliffs
PredatorsBirds of prey, pheasants and crows

A useful introduction:

Myths to shatter

They do not make nests in your home…
Adders do not make nests in your homes.
ONce adders give birth to their young they leave to find food and shelter
They do not actively hurt humans…
Adder attacks are rare
Adders  actively avoid human contact
They cannot hurt you with a flick of their tongue…
Adders do not have a sting at the end of their tongue
Adders will kill prey with a venomous bite and eat them whole.

Expert hunters

Adders actively hunt in warm weather
Adders are the UK's only venomous snake
When cold, adders use a sit and wait technique to hunt.

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