Sea Turtles visit UK Waters

Did you know? Some sea turtles visit UK waters header image with illustrations of turtles and curious kin logo

5 out of 7 species of sea turtle have been encountered in the UK.

These are the Leatherback, Green, Kemp’s Ridley, Loggerhead and Hawksbill.

If you see the all of the above (except leatherback) it’s usually a juvenile whose been caught in a current from warmer waters. You are more likely to spot a Leatherback sea turtle, but sightings of these amazing animals are still rare.

Leatherback sea turtles visit the west coast of the UK to feed on jellyfish.

Sea turtles face many dangers in UK waters including accidental entanglement, plastic pollution, ghost nets and boat collisions.

What to do if you encounter a sick, stranded or entangled sea turtle.

At Sea

Do NOT tow to shoreline
Disentangle and release at sea if possible
Do NOT try to haul a Leatherback sea turtle aboard your boat.

On Shore

Do NOT return sea turtles to the water: our cooler waters will stun them. Instead wrap them in a towel keeping their nostrils (airway) uncovered.

Report as soon as possible

Contacts vary depending on where you and the encounter are located. The UK and Irish Turtle Code lists all relevant and important contacts.

Useful Links

UK Marine Conservation Society
Euro Turtle