An introduction:
You may have spotted me talking a lot about vultures over the last couple of months. It’s been my intention to do a proper fun fact profile like the clouded leopard and Ethiopian wolf ones I shared over the summer. Unfortunately I just haven’t had the time. So in the mean time here’s an overview of vultures with lots of myths busted!
Mythbusting time…
Myth: Vultures are very lazy.
Vulures fly miles and miles in a day to actively find food.
Myth: Vultures just eat carrion.
Egyptian vultures eat Ostrich eggs, invertebrates etc.
Vultures are dangerous.
They wait for other predators to finish before they scavenge. Not interested in humans.
Myth: all vultures are bald.
Key examples are the Eqyptian and Bearded vulture.
Myth: Vultures are just a bad omen.
They were a symbol of motherhood, purity.
Myth: vultures are a signpost for death
Myth: vultures are really dirty.
Bearded and Egyptian vultures dye their feathers bathing.
Myth: Vultures are ugly.
There are beautiful and unique birds of prey.
Vultures in flight
Always remember…
Have you spotted?
Meet the some of Europe’s vultures
Watch me draw a bearded vulture
Check out my new t-shirt design